
ÌBÀ (Obeisance)

Obeisance is made  To the uncreated creator  Ìbà ooo Ìbà!  Honour adoration and exultation dully made  To the harbinger of my soul The pilot of my ship  Ìbà ooo Ìbà!  I shiver before thy throne  For I'm unworthy of thy grace Therefore I bow before thee  Ìbà ooo Ìbà!   Tuale to the Apex being  The Alpha of Alphas  The yes to my prayers The one that was, is and will ever be  Ìbà ooo Ìbà!   You, upon whose toes thrives the universe I go dey give am for you Bàbá  all the time Ìbà ooo Ìbà!  Bàbá lókè Ìbà  You upon whose thought I was conceived Ìbà  You, upon whose mercy I'll succed Ìbà ooo Ìbà!  Olódùmarè Ọba ba gbogbo ayé Ìbà I marvel at your awesomeness Ìbà ooo ìbà  Your work shudders at your feet  Ìbà. ©Bello Abdul Ganiu Ajibola (Crying Pen)


You A ray of hope  Turning my day anew Making me want to live  You A coat of many colours  Illuminating my life  With different reasons to live  You A glass of water  Always quenching my thirst  And igniting the fire within You A glowing ember  With hot furnace for a character  To kill the rebellion within You  A burst of fine music  On cold solitary days Bringing calm to the storm  You  A thought of thoughts  Running through my mind Giving me sleepless night  You  A pandora's box  That I can't wait to open Yet fear to open  You A unicorn  So rare, so unseen, so perfect For me. © Bello Abdul Ganiu Ajibola (Crying Pen)


When time seems tough  Tougher than the skin of a crocodile When things look clumsy  Clumsier than the situation of my country And all solutions beget another problem I tell you, Igi Árúwé When life seems hard  Harder than the solution of calculus And all answers harbours an X  Igi Árúwé When life gets hard  Harder than it was for the israelites  And all road seems blocked  Like covid_lockdown I tell you again, Igi Árúwé When hope seems lost Like the pipe dream of yesterday When hope seems small  Smaller than a needle In a haystack Igi Árúwé sẹ́ When age is far fetched Yesterday, she clocked you three decades and four And today she crowned you three and half  Without your prince charming leading you to the altar Dear sister, Igi Árúwé for you  When age is far gone  As far gone as 20-10-7 And to your parents you go for money  Money to mouth your home  For you've offspringed one recklessly And with your all, you've sojourned for them  All to no avail Brother, Igi Árúw

EPISODE 4 (Kasala don Burst)

EPISODE 4 (Kasala don Burst) Mum received a message from Dad in the following week, saying he would not return as early as he'd promised. I knew Mum would not want to hear that, she'd been lonely for days. Dad haven't went so long like that, the maximum he could was 1 or 2 days. Mum would claim she wasn't hungry despite being a pest on Bioye to be quick with the dish after morning prayer. The money Dad gave her wasn't her problem, she had hers to spend. She was a Medical Specialist at Ekiti State University Teaching Hospital. She was on two-month leave to take care of her family, (as she told me). I found it hard to believe despite the oath sworn to leave families and attend to lives instantly. I couldn't ask if that was the real reason she requested for the leave because she obviously had no little baby to take care in the House. Although, she wasn't the only Medical Specialist at the Hospital anyway, there were other Professionals. I have never

EPISODE 3 (Seven Goes Down)

EPISODE 3 (Seven Goes D own) On the third day, I sat on a sofa in the sitting room to have fun. I relaxed comfortably, awaiting restoration of electricity. I was so eager to watch my Team's (Manchester United) match against Liverpool but there was no diesel to turn on the Generator - we nearly exhausted it when I and my Sisters turned it on last day from morning to the sundown to watch an American season film titled THE SEAL TEAM. We dared not to try such if Mum was around, she'd went out for a seminar in the morning with her friend and returned late in the night. She didn't go with her Car cos if she did, I would be the Driver. Of course not, she didn't meet the Generator on, it was after some minutes we turned it off that she arrived. We'd told her there was no diesel in it when she said she wanted to watch the network news last night. Now, my Sisters were out and Mum was actually sleeping in the room. Dad's departure from home had caused her chang

EPISODE 2 (Fire on the Mountain)

Episode 2 (Fire on the Mountain) One week later, Dad informed us of a business trip in Abuja to represent his Company. It left the house in loneliness, especially now that I would not have the freedom to mingle with my gender for the meantime.  I had no friends in my area, Irona, Ado-Ekiti, many of them were in Adebayo. Even if Tunde, my friend would want to look me up at that time, it would be after he was back from Port Harcourt for a 2-month workshop. Dad’s announcement was like a drama, making his sound so low and calm to each person in our rooms as if there was a family meeting. He was in mufti with no green light for work. I was even doubting if Mum haven't heard of it before but was just pretending, I expected her to query Dad for not telling her earlier. “I just received my Boss' call this morning; I shall go to him now and take off by evening” he had said to calm her. Mum later smiled, ready to get back to her eye-rolling ritual. After some seconds, she changed her rea

EPISODE 1 (Bunieya Enu)

Episode 1 (Bunieya Enu) Situation went south with Bioye when she wore a trew to a friend's birthday party and Mum cut it with a scissors. Bioye has not been lucky with Mum's mood especially when Dad seemed to be out of the Town. “Children’’ Dad called in a relaxed voice, rests his back on the sofa in the sitting room - what I could call his tradition after he just returned from work at sundown. “Dad, what do you have for us today?” Bisola, my elder Sister asked after we assembled. My Sisters sat beside him tightly while I remained standing, making the two hands that stop on my upper hip to form letter V. The first thing that came to my mind was if he had purchased the Stereo set we demanded from him. “Teejay, why don't you sit?” He sounded calm and I forced a smile. “I am okay this way, Dad’” He shot a contemporary look at me, turned his neck to Bisola and whispered to her, finally getting to Bioye's. “Your brother don't want to hear the latest news” He raised his v